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Generating input and output information

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Generating input and output information

Today, many contract partners request precise information on the input and output of refrigerator recycling plants. Not only for statistical purposes, but also to maximize efficiency, recognizing the refrigerator type, the refrigerant type and filling weight and so forth. Moreover, in terms of output, the recovery of refrigerant and oil from degassed refrigerators is very important for refrigeration eqiupment recycling.

ATN Engineering installed two small degassing machines in Colombia.

ATN Engineering installed two small degassing machines in Colombia.
 Within one week two degassing machines for the draining of oil and refrigerant from refrigerators where installed in Columbia South America. A t…

Tilting table

Tilting table
Under construction for a Spanish customer we have a degassing machine and two tilting tables. The tilting tables are enabling the operators of positio…