Refrigerator recycling the ATN way

The ATN way

ATN can deliver a great number of machines for refrigerator recycling and degassing. ATN has developed a fast, easy and safe way to recycle and degas fridges. Our systems can degas and drain oil from up to 200 refrigerators an hour.

For the first step in recycling the compressors of old refrigerators contain refrigerants and oil that have to be taken out. The refrigerants can be very harmful to the ozone layer and it can increase the greenhouse effect. The gases also are very flammable. The empty compressor has to be removed before shredding the refrigerator in stage two.

ATN can supply stage one with a number of drill-heads that can degas and drain oil from refrigerator compressors. Long term experience shows that one drill-head can drain a domestic fridge within one minute. 

The maximum capacity depends on the efficiency of the weakest link in the process. Our systems are designed to utilize more than one drill-head resulting in an optimal performing degassing system in your overall refrigerator recycling process. Stage one may never slow down stage two. 

Machines we supply

Degassing machines

  • BK Mobile

  • BK1 (one drill-head)

  • PT8 (PT=piercing-plier)

  • BK 2/3 (two or three drill-heads)

  • PT 16/24 (PT=piercing-pliers)

Other machines

  • Air-conditioning degassing

  • Catalytic Converter

  • Gas separation 

  • Gas destruction

  • Data collecting

  • Logistics

  • Television recycling

  • Second-hand Machinery


Download the refrigerator degassing file for more information about refrigerator degassing and the difference between drill-head and piercing-plier.   


Near 100% degas system Efficiency

Since 99.5% of all gas and oil is drained from the cooling system, the system is highly efficient and increases your scrap value considerably.



Our degassing systems are qualified for flammable gases. Therefore a safe operation of the de-gassing and de-oiling process is assured.


Separated oil and gas collecting

The vacuum system in our degassing equipment assures complete separation of gas and oil.


Status information

The preset-unit gives exact information about the status of the degassing and is easy to maintain.


Leaking refrigerators

Air from leaking fridges is no problem and the pressure of the collecting tank is regulated and controlled by the machine itself.



Our equipment can run nonstop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Volume tracking

Collected volumes of extracted gas and oil are displayed on the integrated screen. This can be used for administrative purposes. Integration in your company network is possible. 


30 year of experience

ATN Engineering has more than 30 years' experience in developing and constructing complicated and highly efficient equipment.

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